Probably, you've ever had somthing to want to achieve.
No matter what it is for you, it might was always difficult for you to keep motivation
And the reason is that we just don't have enough motivation
You're gonna discover five keys to gain motivation, so that you can accomplish more of what you really want.
The first key is to not rely on motivation, becasue motivation can be fleeting
Working towards your goals is not always pleasant. So, for the times you just don't feel like it, you're going to need willpower.
And willpower operates kind of like a muscle, in that it can fatigue.
So if you want to maintain your willpower, avoid stacking a lot of temptations
Second is to realize that the most common way to drain your willpower every single day is by making decisions.
The more time you spend going back and forth, over decisions, big and small, the more you're draining your willpower.
That means that one of the best things you can do for your willpower is to automate inconsequential decisions
Or at least, make them very quickly. So, the next time, you can't decide what to wear or where to eat, go with option A and save yourself the willpower for when you really need it.
Third, change your environment, so you don't have to use willpower.
If you want to be more productive, delete apps on your phone that you find yourself compulsively checking.
The less you have to think " I should or shouldn't do that thing", the better.
The biggest win is going to be spending time with friends that have similar goals.
Fourth, set hard and fast rules.
More decision making means worse decisions. So, choosing in advance to watch one half-hour show that you like, and then turn off the TV for the rest of the day, makes the decision-making process much simpler and easier to abide by.
Communicate these rules to friends and you're likely to get in fewer arguments
And fifth, use the moment of inspiration to commit yourself going forward.
Schedule a time to get working and set reminders. Better yet, email a friend and set a lunch date for her to walk you through how she started her business.
if someone else is counting on you to show up, you're much more likely to follow through.
These five way to gain motivation really helped me, so I share with you